Exercise No. 17
People without discipline try to do
everything but commit themselves to nothing. Some so called liberal thinkers
have interpreted lack of discipline as freedom. Lack of consistency is poor
discipline, discipline takes self-control, sacrifice, and avoiding
distractions and temptations. It means staying focused. Steam does not move
the engine unless it is confined, Niagara Falls would not generate power
unless it were harnessed. We all know the story of the tortoise
and the hare. The hare bragged about his speed and challenged the tortoise to
a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge. They appointed a fox as the
judge. The race started and the tortoise kept going, slowly but the hare
sprinted off. He quickly left the tortoise behind. As he was confident of
winning the race he decided to take a nap. By the time he woke up, remembered
the race, and resumed running, the tortoise had already reached the finish
line and won. Discipline and punctuality made him winner. |
The rich verity and diversity of
Indian culture and people have given the country many colorful and gay
festivals. Perhaps, no other country has as many festivals and celebrations
as India. It is said that there are only seven days in a week, but there are
at least nine festivals in a week in India. All these festivals and fairs are
observed with great enthusiasm. They are related with mythical heroes and
heroines, gods and goddesses, change of seasons, harvesting and national events.
Thus, festivals serve many purposes : social, cultural, religious, national
and psychological. Festivals mark the grand, gay,
happy and free moments in the life of masses in India. These are the
occasions of family gathering, exchange of sweets and greetings, thank-giving
relaxation, joy, praying, fasting, ceremonies, and invoking favors from gods
and elders. They come every year and enthuse the people with a new spirit of
color, joy and festivity. Some of these are observed and public holidays. |
Exercise No. 19
It is a matter of common observation that a piece of stone lying undisturbed in water for a long while gets covered with a spongy substance known as moss. But if it keeps rolling with the current, it gathers no moss. In fact, it gets worn out. If we make it an analogy of life, it suggests that if a person keeps quickly changing his profession or vocation, he fails to achieve any appreciable success. It takes years of devoted and persevering work to succeed in any profession. Let us take the example of a person who undertakes a new business venture. He has to study the market, establish contest, enter into profitable business deals, understand the production mechanism and master the other subtleties of the job. All this cannot be accomplished in a day. If despair leads him to abandon this undertaking and launch a fresh one, it will result to enormous wastage of time and resources. |
Exercise No. 20
It is by no means true that all
farmers are essential even for producing the foodstuffs, and other farm
products that the world customarily consumes. The aggregate importance of
farm products is very great, but their marginal importance is modest. The
elimination of agriculture and the vanishing of the farmer are almost
unthinkable, but the practical questions concern the importance of moderate
additions or reductions in the number of farmers and the supply of farm
products. With air and water relatively abundant, we properly regard those
who provide our water supply and air conditioning equipment as contributing
to our comfort and convenience; but we do notmagnify their importance because
air and water are vitally necessary. Except in regard to the number of
persons involved, the situation is essentially similar with respect to farm
products and agriculture as an industry. Farming has a powerful attraction for large numbers of people, in spite of the risks. |
Becoming a successful manager is not
an easy task. It is not only a matter of making the right decisions for your
company, but you need to be a good leader. This means that you need to know
how to encounter and handle various problems. Knowledge is necessary but more
important is a good vision on the future of your company and the ability to
create a good working team. The most important qualities that a successful
manager needs are; A manager wants to reach some goals. When he wants to
succeed he needs a visualized plan for the short time, but this is more
important for the long term. A plan consists of investments which can be
useful for the long term. May be these investments will have a negative
impact on the profit of the company the first years but will result in a
higher profit and a rise in the turnover. A manager needs a good team. The manager knows which goals need to be reached. Communication with your team is important. |
Life has become very complex these days and there is cut-threat competition for employment. The students who are quite bright and intelligent also find it difficult to get suitable jobs for themselves, after graduation or completion of their professional courses. They find themselves standing at cross-roads, and do not know which career they should choose. Gone are the days when life was simple, easy and professions in every family. The son followed his father’s professions, and he was trained in the vocation at home. With the rapid progress in industry, trade, commerce and technology our needs have increased many times and life has become complex. There are many professional colleges, institutions, polytechnics industry, trade, commerce and which give training in various trades, skills and professions. Therefore, the selection of a right profession and right institution has become difficult and needs full consideration. |
Street hawkers are as
common to a city as cars. You can spot them on roadside, lanes, and even at
market places. Thesehawkers sell eatable, which is greatly loved by poor and
rich alike. It is not uncommon to find a person in torn clothes eating with
an executive of a multi-national company by his side. The biggest danger of
eating the food the street hawkers sell is in the fact that the constant
exposure to the heat and dust of the road makes this food unhygienic.
Although, sometimes, this food is far more delicious than what one may get in
a well-known restaurant, still one could not ignore the fact that eating
roadside food and has been health hazard. It may even cause food poisoning,
leading to death or serious implications for your health. Water and food
borne diseases spread as a result of the consumption of uncovered and
unhygienic food, Cholera, jaundice, dysentery, stomach ailments are some of
the most common diseases. It is sad that the
street hawkers are not provided any space by the government to sell their
food. It they had a covered area, where they serve food, cleanliness could be
accommodated provided they vouch for inexpensive and tasty street food. If they are helped a
bit, street hawkers could pose a stiff competition to the best in hotel and
catering industry. |
Virtue is its own
reward. Virtue should not be practiced in the hope of gaining any material
advantage. A noble man, by virtue of his being noble is likely to lose
materially, since he can never indulge in those petty tricks that bring
material benefits, he cannot exploit. In fact, being uninitiated into worldly
ways, he is himself susceptible to exploitation. But he always enjoys a
spiritual advantages. Virtue will bring him great mental peace and happiness.
A wicked man, unless he is too thick skinned, will be torn by acute inner
conflict. But a virtuous man enjoys enviable serenity. A wicked man is
assailed by uncertainties and apprehensions. He is always afraid of social
disapproval and legal penalization. But the life of a virtuous man is not
ruffled by any such undesirable cares and tensions. Bacon is right when he says that the noblest reward or virtue is virtue itself and the extreme punishment of vice is vice itself. |
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