बुधवार, 23 दिसंबर 2020


  •  GCC-TBC ENGLISH TYPING GOVERNMENT TYPING COURSE LESSEN ALL.                                                   Exercise No. 9


It is said that early to bed and early to risemakes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bedand early to rise is a good habit. A habit meansrepetition of the same action in similar circumstances.All men have habits. There are good and badhabits. They are of different kinds. Habits are actswhich men indulge in to satisfy their needs. These

habits are developed or learnt from different sources.

Drinking water, taking breakfast, lunch and dinner and sleeping at night are habits, based on instinct.Man has no control over the thirst, hunger andsleep. They are therefore inborn habits. There areother habits acquired like brushing your teeth, takinga bath, wearing clothes, combing your hair etc., whichhelp a man to look neat and healthy. A walk in themorning is a good habit for old men.

Good habits lead to good manners. Good mannersgive us good friends; good friends mean good environment, good environment leads to a happy and peaceful life.




                                                                        Exercise No. 10


Grandparents are truly a treasure to have for theyshower so much love on their families that one cannotimagine life without them. It is a fact when people sayit is only the lucky ones who have grandparents.Because they have grown old, and cannot work at thepace they used to, they tell wonderful stories of their youth, how things used to be, what all has changed over the years, and how best to cope with difficulties. They have seen it all and gone through all the ups and downs of life.

We must treat them with care and respect and look after them for they have grown old. When all familymembers get together to celebrate occasions, the center of attraction are our grandparents because they head the family and are our elders.

Though life has become so busy and last paced that no one has time for others, we must take a little a time off from our busy schedules to say a kind work, give grandparents feel really as special.

They have gone through all the ups and downs of life.




                                                                                Exercise No. 11


Capital is a key factor for any business. Trading as well as non-trading organizations are always in search of maximum capital mobilization. In fact capital raising capacity decides the form of a business organization. Ifthe capital is limited sole trading can be started. If the capital raising capacity is better partnership firm can be a suitable form of business. When chances of raising capital are bright a joint stock company canbe promoted.

Capital can be raised by a company in many ways.issuing shares for long term finance and borrowings fromvarious financial institutions for medium term financeare the common forms for collecting funds. Short termcapital is raised generally by borrowing from banksin the form of cash credits and overdrafts. Banks alsoprovide finance through discounting bills of exchange.By inviting public deposits a company can meet some ofits financial requirements. A company accepts depositsfrom general public for a minimum period of 6 months.

With limitation for maximum period.



                                                                            Exercise No. 12


Why do we read? There are many answers to this question, but the two reasons which first come to the mind are that we read for information and for interest. If it were not for the information which is stored in books we should all find it much more difficult to learn. For almost everyone it is easier to learn by reading than by hearing the words of others. When all knowledge had to be passed on from person to person, one man telling another what he knows, the growth of knowledge was very little age by age. When books were written by hand, only a few people were able to have the advantage of a really good education. Growth improved but was still poor. A great step forward was taken when books were mass-produced. Today millions of books are read every year.

Much of the reading is for knowledge and information, but probably even more is for pleasure and interest and to make a time pass.


                                                                            Exercise No. 13      


Life is what you make it. Your tomorrow depends essentially on what you do today. Whether winning abrade or a battle, fame or fortune, power or position, wealthy or worldly goods, success in life depends on proper planning and execution of the plan. If successes to come to you, you must do your part to encourage it. Fortune favors the brave. With knowledge and preparation you can meet any challenge and reach your goal. With courage and conviction, you can conquer fate and your destiny as you wish. The foolish person seeks success in the distance but the wise one grows it under his feet. Giving public credit other who has earned it is the best success technique in the world. Be on the lookout and each people doing something right, then tell everyone about it. Never find fault, instead always find a remedy. The man who offers an insult writes it in sand, but for the man receives it, it is chiseled in bronze. Swami Vivekananda said to young generation. Awake, arise and got ready.



                                                                    Exercise No. 14


It is a common picture, and one which weIndians are used to seeing - a big queue of bucketsor water containers in front of a public tap or awater tanker. Water is one of the essentials of life,something without which life is not possible. In anideal situation, in an ideal world, everybody wouldhave as much water as he needs. But, in India andmany other developing countries, this is not the case.In India, the cities are overcrowded. Water, to beused by the people, is stored in huge lakes, reservoirsand tanks. But the water stored is not sufficient foreveryone, especially during the hot summer months.

The problem is getting more worse as more peoplemigrate to the cities. To add to this, due to the cuttingdown of trees and forests, there is less greeneryand consequently less rainfall. The villages areworst hit. Most of our villages depend on the localrivers and streams for their drinking water. Thesedry up in no time, and are often heavily polluted.



                                                                    Exercise No. 15


None but a fool is always right. We must be knowingpeople who always claim to be right. Howsoever fanciful,irrelevant or absurd their views on a subject may be, theyassert they are right and are not prepared to brook anycontradiction or challenge. Their cocksureness makes thempresumptuous and this nature destroys all possibilities ofacquiring knowledge. The first step towards knowledge isthe realization of one’s ignorance ever be curious toacquire knowledge. He contemptuously looks upon all possibilitiesof learning anything new. He is convinced that others arewrong while he is right. Then he fails to learn what isactually right.

Darkness cannot be light, but unless a person realizesthat he is wallowing in darkness, he can have no desire ofgoing into light. Wisdom ever keeps away from such a person.He is doomed to unrelieved folly.

The first step towards knowledge is the realizationof one’s ignorance ever the curious to acquire knowledge.



                                        Exercise No. 16


Public libraries in some respects serve the samepurpose as educational institutions. It is the placewhere people come to collect material for reference workand for knowledge. It is really one of the most usefulinstitutions in the world.

A library is normally well stocked with all typesof books, including the rare ones, and also theexpensive ones. Thus everyone has access to thesebooks which otherwise would not be a available, orprobably be beyond the reach of the common man costwise. In this sense, libraries can afford to purchasethe rare and expensive books, thus making themavailable to the general public.

Libraries also have sets and volumes of dictionaries,encyclopedia and other reference books which require alot of storage space. So a library is an ideal placefor such books, since individuals cannot afford topossess all of them. They can avail of them inlibraries. A library is an ideal place to studyas there is silence and silence.




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