गुरुवार, 10 दिसंबर 2020



tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters;

tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters;

tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters;

tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters; tidy typewriters;

loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays;

loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays;

loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays;

loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays; loyalty pays;




quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well; quite well;



people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered; people gathered;



hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart; hard heart;



photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer; photographer;



typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types; typist types;



polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes; polish shoes;



shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit;

shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit;

shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit;

shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit; shallow pit;




fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared; fully prepared;



dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale; dull sale;



weekly holiday; weekly holiday; weekly holiday;

weekly holiday; weekly holiday; weekly holiday;

weekly holiday; weekly holiday; weekly holiday;

weekly holiday; weekly holiday; weekly holiday;




dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass;

dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass;

dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass;

dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass; dry grass;




good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors; good authors;



sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;

sweet house; sweet house; sweet house; sweet house;





Excersise No – १०

आपको क्या करना हैं कि मैने आपको जैसे बताया जैसे ही आपको टायपिंग करनी हैं, तो चलिए शुरुवात करते हैं.

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;

dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well; dress well;




good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality; good quality;



the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl;

the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl;

the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl;

the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl; the poor girl;




please go to highway; please go to highway;

please go to highway; please go to highway;

please go to highway; please go to highway;

please go to highway; please go to highway;

please go to highway; please go to highway;



okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel;

okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel;

okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel;

okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel; okay wheel;



aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap; aerial soap;



shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door; shut the door;



jug full of water; jug full of water; jug full of water;

jug full of water; jug full of water; jug full of water;

jug full of water; jug full of water; jug full of water;

jug full of water; jug full of water; jug full of water;



he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily; he goes daily;



at the sight; at the sight; at the sight; at the sight;

at the sight; at the sight; at the sight; at the sight;

at the sight; at the sight; at the sight; at the sight;

at the sight; at the sight; at the sight; at the sight;

at the sight; at the sight; at the sight; at the sight;




that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall; that tall;



Excersise No-11

आज हमें क्या करना हैं कि आज हम होम रो के निचे वाली लाईन मतलब की बॉटम रो की प्रॅक्टिस हमें आजसे शुरु करनी हैं, तो चलिए में आज आपको बताता हॅुं कि आपको बॉटम रो कि कैसे प्रॅक्टिस करनी हैं तो चलिए शुरुवात करते हैं.

हमारी लेफ्ट हँड की बॉटम रो कि पहली उँगली से मतलब की a के निचे के z को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी लेफ्ट हँड की दुसरी उँगली से हमें मतलब कि s कि निचे वाली उँगली से हमें x को टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी लेफ्ट हँड की तिसरी उँगली हमें बॉटम रो कि मतलब कि d के निचे वाले c को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी लेफ्ट हँड की बॉटम रो कि चौथी उँगली से हमे f के निचे कि v को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमें फिर से हमारी लेफ्ट हँड की बॉटम रो कि तिसरी उँगली से मतलब d के निचे c को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी राईट हँड से हमें टाईप करना हैं, तो चलिए जानते हैं, हमारी राईट हँड की बॉटम रो पे पहली उँगली से हमें ; के निचे . को हमें टाईप करना है, उसके बाद हमारे राईट हॅंड के दुसरी नंबर कि उँगली से हमें l के निचे , को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी राईट हँड की बॉटम रो पे तिसरी नंबर की उँगली से हमें k के निचे m को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी राईट हँड कि बॉटम रो पे चौथी नंबर कि उँगली से हमें j के निचे n को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद फिर से हमें हमारे राईट हँड से बॉटम रो के पाँचवी नंबर कि उँगली से मतलब h के निचे b को हमें टाईप करना हैं, उसके बाद हमारी राईट हँड ‍कि बॉटम रो पे चौथी नंबर कि उँगली से हमें j के निचे फिर से हमें n को टाईप करना हैं, तो आज हमें zxcvc .,mnbn हमें आज इस लेसन कि प्रॅक्टिस करनी हैं, और इस लेसन कि प्रॅक्टिस हमें दिन में दो घंटे करनी हैं, और इसके हमें 10 पेजेस इसकी आपको प्रॅक्टिस करनी हैं, तो चलिए फ्रेंडस आप अच्छी तरह से प्रॅक्टिस करिए और रोज अच्छी तरह से टायपिंग सिखते रहिए.

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